Open Courses

Business Transformation

Planning and Change



In today's rapidly changing business landscape, transformation is not just an option but a necessity. This course empowers senior leaders with the essential skills and strategies needed to drive effective business transformation. Over five days, delegates will explore comprehensive approaches to fostering organisational growth, managing change, and developing sustainable competitive advantages. By the end of the course, participants will be equipped with the tools and insights required to lead their organisations through complex transformations successfully.

Who should attend

This course is specifically designed for Directors, Senior Executives, Department Heads, and high-ranking leaders responsible for steering their organisations through periods of significant change. Participants will gain insights into effective leadership, strategic planning, and change management, positioning them to significantly impact their organisations' future success.


Understanding Business Transformation

  • Assessing the need for transformation
  • Scanning the business environment for signs of disruption
  • Evaluating organisational readiness for change
  • Differentiating between transformation and incremental change
  • Exploring models of effective transformation


Strategic Planning for Transformation

  • Designing holistic change strategies
  • Establishing clear transformation objectives
  • Integrating the Triple Bottom Line approach
  • Crafting a compelling value proposition
  • Setting measurable organisational KPIs


Leadership and Vision Communication

  • Exploring leadership styles and their impacts on transformation
  • Developing a transformational leadership approach
  • Communicating the vision and strategic roadmap
  • Setting and aligning organisational targets and objectives
  • Building consensus and commitment among senior leadership


Team Building and Stakeholder Engagement

  • Engaging key team members and stakeholders
  • Developing a comprehensive communication plan
  • Creating a resistance management strategy
  • Facilitating cross-functional collaboration
  • Enhancing team dynamics for sustained change


Managing and Sustaining Change

  • Linking strategic and operational changes
  • Implementing and adjusting the change management plan
  • Identifying and resolving transformation challenges
  • Managing conflict and enhancing team resilience
  • Planning for future transformations and revising strategies

At the end of this course, delegates will be able to:

  • Evaluate their organisation's readiness for transformation.
  • Design comprehensive business transformation strategies.
  • Lead effectively by choosing appropriate leadership styles for transformation.
  • Communicate strategic visions compellingly and clearly.
  • Engage stakeholders effectively and manage resistance.
  • Implement strategic plans while managing operational changes.
  • Foster a culture conducive to ongoing innovation and change.
  • Plan for long-term sustainability and continuous improvement in their organisations.



VAT: Courses held in London are subject to VAT at the current rate

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