Open Courses

Managing Workforce Change for HR Professionals



This course equips HR professionals and senior managers with advanced strategies to lead effective workforce changes that enhance organisational performance. By engaging with this course, participants will develop a comprehensive understanding of strategic HR practices, from assessing change readiness to implementing robust HR analytics. The course is designed to transform theoretical knowledge into practical skills for driving proactive and strategic HR operations that contribute significantly to business objectives.

Who should attend

This course is ideal for HR professionals and senior managers tasked with leading strategic change within their organisations. It will benefit those in charge of reshaping HR functions to align with organisational goals, including subject matter experts, HR specialists, and team leaders overseeing critical HR domains. Participants looking to enhance their strategic influence and drive meaningful organisational change will find this training invaluable.


Understanding the Change Landscape

  • Evaluating current organisational dynamics and change drivers
  • Developing strategic change initiatives with top management
  • Conducting organisational readiness assessments for change
  • Applying Force Field Analysis for effective decision-making
  • Aligning change initiatives with organisational goals and values

Innovating Recruitment and Selection

  • Designing agile recruitment strategies to support change
  • Integrating global mobility into recruitment frameworks
  • Employing marketing tactics in recruitment advertising
  • Collaborating with strategic partners to enhance recruitment
  • Implementing flexible working policies to support ongoing changes

Enhancing Talent Management Strategies

  • Crafting talent management plans aligned with change strategies
  • Communicating new talent management policies effectively
  • Developing strategies for upskilling and reskilling teams
  • Evaluating talent and competency gaps for strategic needs
  • Enhancing team competencies to support strategic change

Driving Change Through Leadership and Advocacy

  • Implementing Organisational Development (OD) plans
  • Utilising models like Kotter’s 8 Steps and ADKAR for change management
  • Developing frameworks to manage and sustain change
  • Cultivating change champions within the organisation
  • Handling resistance to change effectively

Evaluating and Maximising Change Impact

  • Leveraging HR analytics for strategic insights
  • Benchmarking and setting performance indicators
  • Auditing and reviewing change processes
  • Enhancing resource utilisation for maximum impact
  • Calculating return on investment (ROI) for change initiatives

At the end of this course, delegates will be able to:

  • Evaluate organisational readiness for strategic change.
  • Develop and implement innovative recruitment and talent management strategies.
  • Utilise analytical tools to measure the impact and value of HR initiatives.
  • Design effective change management frameworks using proven models.
  • Align HR strategies with broader organisational goals.
  • Create and support networks of change advocates within their organisations.
  • Manage resistance to change constructively.
  • Demonstrate strategic leadership in HR functions.



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