Open Courses

Business Strategy Construction



In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, constructing a robust business strategy is crucial. This course delves into the complexities of strategy development, emphasising the need for adaptability and continuous review to thrive. Participants will learn how to forge strategies that not only align with their organisation's strengths but also dynamically respond to changing environments, ensuring long-term sustainability and growth.

Who should attend

This course is specially tailored for managers and supervisors who aspire to enhance their strategic planning and implementation skills. It is ideal for those in charge of teams, projects, or departments and are keen on advancing their careers by strengthening their leadership and strategic decision-making capabilities.


Foundations of Strategic Thinking

  • Exploring the VMOST framework for strategic alignment
  • Conducting stakeholder analysis for comprehensive engagement
  • Identifying external threats and opportunities in the business landscape
  • Analysing internal resources, capabilities, and best practices
  • Engaging in hands-on scenario planning exercises


Strategic Management Frameworks

  • Formulating strategies to achieve organisational objectives
  • Aligning organisational direction with strategic goals
  • Setting Key Success Factors (KSF) and Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
  • Developing operational and functional strategies
  • Examining case studies on strategy formulation in diverse sectors


Executing Strategic Plans

  • Building a strategic leadership team to guide strategy execution
  • Developing a comprehensive strategic action plan
  • Comparing reactive versus proactive strategic implementation approaches
  • Implementing strategies in varying organisational contexts
  • Workshop on strategic communication and leadership


Performance Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Establishing systems for monitoring strategic initiatives
  • Measuring operational performance against strategic goals
  • Reporting on strategic progress to stakeholders
  • Utilising technology in performance monitoring
  • Group activities on developing feedback mechanisms


Ensuring Strategic Sustainability

  • Integrating sustainability into business strategy
  • Maintaining a competitive edge through continuous innovation
  • Encouraging creativity to tackle future challenges
  • Reviewing and revising strategies for long-term success
  • Case study analysis on sustaining competitive advantage

At the end of this course, delegates will be able to:

  • Align organisational objectives with strategic business plans
  • Identify and engage key stakeholders effectively
  • Formulate and communicate strategic decisions
  • Implement strategic plans proactively and reactively
  • Monitor and evaluate strategic outcomes
  • Adapt and sustain competitive strategies over time
  • Use strategic tools and frameworks effectively
  • Lead and motivate teams in strategic initiatives



VAT: Courses held in London are subject to VAT at the current rate

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