Open Courses

Sport Strategy and Strategic Thinking



This course is designed to equip specialists in sports organisations with the strategic insights and practical tools to drive success and navigate challenges within the sports sector.

This course provides participants with a deep understanding of strategic planning, stakeholder management and governance in sport.
Delegates will explore practical models, engage with case studies, and develop strategies to improve organisational performance and foster innovation. By the end of the course, delegates will leave with actionable insights and strategies they can implement in their roles, ensuring they are well-prepared to deal with complex challenges in the sports industry.

Who should attend

This course is ideal for professionals in senior roles within sports organisations or those aspiring to such positions. It is tailored to individuals responsible for strategic decision-making and governance, in dynamic environments. Participants should have significant experience in management or leadership and a desire to enhance their strategic thinking, influence, and capacity to drive innovation and change. The course is well-suited to those seeking to refine their approach to managing stakeholders, and navigating complex organisational structures in the sports industry.

5 days

London | £4950
Dubai | £4950
Barcelona | £4950
Istanbul | £4950
Kuala Lumpur | £4950


Understanding Strategy in Sport Organisations

  • Defining strategy and its importance in sports organisations.
  • Applying strategic planning to analyse external and internal contexts.
  • Evaluating the role of governance in shaping sport strategies.
  • Identifying key stakeholders in sport and managing their influence.
  • Examining governance structures in sports organisations.

Evaluating Resources, Capabilities, and organisational development in Sport

  • Analysing resources and capabilities to create competitive advantages.
  • Exploring key roles in sport and its impact on organisational success.
  • Assessing the strengths and trade-offs of different governance structures.
  • Applying models to evaluate the strategic use of organisational resources.
  • Developing effective strategies for stakeholder management in sport.

Enhancing Personal Influence and Development in Sport

  • Identifying behaviours that influence organisational outcomes.
  • Leveraging personal strengths to enhance effectiveness.
  • Building authority and trust within teams for greater influence.
  • Strengthening decision-making skills to improve organisational performance.
  • Engaging in continuous learning to adapt to evolving sports challenges.

Driving Performance and Innovation

  • Encouraging innovation and fostering creative thinking in teams.
  • Implementing performance management strategies to enhance team output.
  • Establishing effective feedback mechanisms for continuous improvement.
  • Facilitating empowerment within teams for optimal performance.
  • Utilising talent management to maximise team and individual capabilities.

Driving Change in Sports and Managing Challenges

  • Developing communication strategies to guide teams through transitions.
  • Steering teams through uncertainty and managing resistance to change.
  • Building resilient organisational cultures in the face of challenges.
  • Resolving conflicts and maintaining harmony within teams.
  • Fostering ethical cultures and building trust in sports organisations.

At the end of the course, delegates will be able to:

  • Develop and implement strategic plans in the context of sports organisations.
  • Analyse internal and external environments using strategic tools.
  • Manage and influence diverse stakeholders within the sports industry.
  • Evaluate governance structures and apply best practices in sport governance.
  • Enhance personal effectiveness and decision-making skills.
  • Drive team performance and innovation through effective management techniques.
  • Guide teams through change, ensuring resilience and adaptability.
  • Foster a culture of ethics and trust within sports organisations.

VAT: Courses held in London are subject to VAT at the current rate

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