Open Courses

Workforce Planning and Organisational Strategy



This essential course is tailored for HR professionals dedicated to linking workforce strategy with business goals effectively. It will equip participants with the skills to analyse and forecast workforce requirements, align them with organisational strategy, and implement robust workforce plans using contemporary HR metrics. Through practical exercises and insightful discussions, delegates will leave with actionable strategies that enhance organisational performance and adaptability.

Who should attend

This course is designed for HR Specialists, Analysts, and Coordinators, as well as managers and leaders involved in workforce planning and implementation. It is particularly beneficial for those who manage specialised HR functions or have developed expertise in niche HR domains. Attendees will gain strategic insights and practical tools to effectively manage and evolve their workforce in alignment with organisational objectives.


Strategic Alignment of Workforce Planning

  • Analysing organisational goals and strategic alignment
  • Understanding the impact of external and internal environments on workforce planning
  • Identifying key organisational drivers and barriers
  • Exploring divergent and convergent thinking in organisational strategy formulation
  • Discussing the Input - Throughput - Output Model in business planning


Foundations of Workforce Planning

  • Reviewing the history and evolution of workforce planning
  • Drafting effective workforce policies
  • Comparing internal and external drivers in workforce dynamics
  • Distinguishing between 'hard' and 'soft' workforce planning approaches
  • Evaluating workforce planning models and techniques


Designing the Workforce Planning Process

  • Initiating workforce planning in organisational strategy
  • Selecting and utilising appropriate workforce planning models
  • Gathering and analysing internal data for planning
  • Linking workforce planning to HR management activities
  • Encouraging interdisciplinary involvement in planning


Execution of Workforce Strategies

  • Crafting an implementation roadmap for workforce plans
  • Overcoming obstacles and securing organisational consensus
  • Engaging stakeholders across the organisation for support and buy-in
  • Defining roles and capabilities critical for planning success
  • Implementing change management principles in workforce planning


Measurement and Enhancement of Workforce Plans

  • Setting robust evaluation criteria for workforce plans
  • Using HR metrics to monitor and review plans
  • Exploring innovative methods to capture and apply learning
  • Adjusting workforce strategies based on feedback and metrics
  • Ensuring continuous relevance and improvement of workforce plans

At the end of this course, delegates will be able to:

  • Align workforce planning with strategic organisational objectives.
  • Analyse internal and external factors influencing workforce needs.
  • Draft effective workforce policies and strategies.
  • Implement workforce plans with clear roles and responsibilities.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of workforce strategies using HR metrics.
  • Engage stakeholders across all organisational levels for plan endorsement.
  • Adapt workforce plans based on evaluative feedback and changing conditions.
  • Utilise strategic HR management tools to enhance workforce capabilities.



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